Iman Therapy 

Dr. Iman Farajallah, Psy.D.




Positivity during a Pandemic Can COVID-19 raise the psychological immunity of individuals and society?

A time for crises is a time for opportunities. The COVD-19 crisis is a real opportunity for psychological immunity, learning, and re-strengthening social cohesion if we exercise responsibility, flexibility, and awareness.

Media-generated panic and rumors surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic cause anxiety and confusion as fears are magnified: fear of a lack of food and medical supplies, fear that this disease will take more lives and fear of the unknown itself. There is also a fear of unemployment, isolation, and social exclusion if an individual is rumored to be sick and have to be quarantined. This situation results in tremendous psychological pressure, which may turn into a feeling of anger. Individuals who spread such negative rumors may be more vulnerable to psychological damage, as they fall victim to an over-exaggerated fear.


Instead, individuals must have a definite sense of responsibility and follow  recommended  preventive and hygienic methods without letting fear control their lives. Individuals must be flexible and creative in finding beneficial alternatives to help them continue their lives without exposing themselves and their families to risk. For example, individuals can attend work or school remotely or exercise around their neighborhood while practicing social distancing measures. Not keeping busy increases anxiety and fear; we must stay flexible and productive so that stress and tension do not control us as a result.

Positive effects of the COVD-19 pandemic include:

  • Gaining skills in staying healthy.
  • Learning how to maintain high standards of personal hygiene.
  • Restoring family relations and
  • Learning responsibility towards society.
  • Learning how to deal positively with crises.
  • Learning positive
  • Learning asceticism as certain things accustomed to suddenly disappear in an emergency.
  • Increasing psychological immunity on a personal and social level. Individual good characteristics will emerge.
  • Learning how to maintain personal calm and
  • Learning to provide the necessary care to others such as family members, relatives, and neighbors. Individuals will feel proud of their unselfishness and the care they have shown towards others.
  • Re-assessing life’s priorities and relationships, instead of material things.
  • Learning how to appreciate others, especially our older adults.
  • Learning to value real social relationships rather than social media relationships.
  • Learning how to develop sympathy for those who are less fortunate.
  • Learning the importance of engaging and giving to charities.
  • Learning how to put our humanity first and put our differences aside.
  • Learning how to enjoy and appreciate every moment of life.

Despite the difficult circumstances surrounding people during this pandemic, we must have hope and strive to think positively to overcome together. We need to look favorably towards the future. This crisis is a time of opportunity, a time for reflection, and learning.

Positives of a Pandemic

Looking at the glass half full.

Some of the Positives that COVID-19 has resulted in:

  • Learning how to maintain personal calm and patience.
  • Increasing psychological immunity on a personal level and social level individual good characteristics will emerge. 
  • individuals will feel proud of their unselfishness. 


  • Learning how to deal positively with crises.
  • Learning positive resilience.
  • Learning asceticism as certain things accustomed to suddenly disappear in an emergency.
  • Learning how to enjoy and appreciate every moment of life.




  • Restoring family relations and
  • Learning responsibility towards society.
  • Learning how to put our humanity first and put our differences aside.
  • Re-assessing life’s priorities and relationships, instead of material things.


  • Gaining skills in staying healthy.
  • Learning how to maintain high standards of personal hygiene.
  • Learning to provide the necessary care to others such as family members, relatives, and neighbors.
